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高盛英漢財經詞典2(doc 51頁)

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高盛英漢財經詞典2(doc 51頁)內容簡介
144A 條例 Rule 144A An SEC rule that modified a two-year holding period requirement on privately placed securities by permitting Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) to trade these positions among themselves.
18定律 Rule of 18 A rule whereby the sum of the inflation rate and the P/E ratio of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is an indicator of the direction of the stock market. If the total is above 18, stocks are supposed to decrease. If the total is under 18, then the stock ma
1940年投資公司法 Investment Company Act of 1940 Created in 1940 through an act of Congress, this piece of legislation clearly defines the responsibilities and limitations placed upon fund companies that offer investment products to the public.
72定律 Rule of 72 A rule stating that in order to find the number of years required to double your money at a given interest rate, you divide the compound return into 72. The result is the approximate number of years that it will take for your investment to double.
商業前景指數 APICS Business Outlook Index A national manufacturing index that surveys several manufacturing firms on a monthly basis. If the index is above 50 it signals expansion, if it dips below 50 it indicates contraction.
