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IBMStrategicOutsourcing(ppt 13頁)(英文)

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IBMStrategicOutsourcing(ppt 13頁)(英文)內容簡介
The Market Environment
Strategic Outsourcing
IBM's Capabilities
On Demand
In a weak global economy, companies face uncertainty about their economic and strategic futureSlow economic growth and pressures to improve earnings are combining to make cost cutting the primary agenda item for a large majority (78%) of companies
Growth is emerging as an important issue as economic recovery has been postponed (and may be slow to return).
IT continues to be an important lever in achieving the cost saving objective for most companies in two very different ways
IT is being tasked to enable business process efficiency
IT spending is also a source of savings as budgets for all functions are being trimmed.
In general, IT budget pressure is in line with the overall business, however 30% of respondents indicate that IT spending has been cut more than other functions while 10% state that IT has been protected from cuts

