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歐萊雅集團供應鏈診斷報告(ppt 70頁)

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歐萊雅, 集團, 供應鏈, 診斷報告
歐萊雅集團供應鏈診斷報告(ppt 70頁)內容簡介
Over the past three weeks, we have:
Interviewed 5 Executives of L’Oréal Canada
Facilitated two cross-functional process workshops
Collected and analyzed data
Conducted a high level maturity assessment
Compared L’Oréal process and performance to CPG best practice
Identified key business issues and areas of improvement
Summarized our findings in this presentation document
Manual and Inconsistent Processes
The forecast process is mostly manual, inconsistent across brands and divisions (due to different levels of maturity) as well as both time and resource consuming
There is no formal process for determining which products should be focused on during the forecasting meetings
No one department “owns the forecast”
There is no mechanism for automatically generating a baseline forecast
Too much time is spent on manual processes, data clean-up and generating reports, leaving insufficient time to analyze data and manage exceptions
L’Oréal Canada’s brand forecasts are not all aggregated up into one forecast limiting visibility and data sharing
L’Oréal Canada does not have simulation or “what if” capabilities
Many disparate tools are being used to facilitate forecasting - Excel, Valo, SAP and Outils Gestion. Interfaces have been built between the various tools and systems, but manual verification is required and the current technology still does not meet L’Oréal ’s requirements
POS, Nielsen, customer information, promotional and advertising information are not all integrated in one central repository
