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與有合作關係的公司訂立協議(英文版)(doc 8頁)

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合作關係, 公司, 協議, 英文版
與有合作關係的公司訂立協議(英文版)(doc 8頁)內容簡介
title in the Korean language and to market it in Korea subject to the following condit ions:
1.Star shall see to it that the translation, paper, graphics, etc., are u p to the quality of the original book and that the book shall be published withi n six (6) months of the date of this agreement.
2.The translation of the book shall be faithful and accurate. No abbrevia tion or alteration of the text shall be made without theb.Ten percent (10%) of the retail price from all subsequent edit ions.
5.Star shall give a report on sales of the title twice yearly on June 30 and December 31. The reports shall include the number of copies printed in the c urrent edition, the stock at the beginning, and the stock at the end of the six- month accounting period. Royalties due will be paid at that time
6.Star shall not permit publication of the title in any other form.
7.Star shall forward 10 complimentary copies of their first edition of th e book to K/H, and K/H shall be entitled to buy further copies at 65% of the ret ail price.
8.If Star allows the book to go out of print for more than six months, al l rights given in this agreement shall revert to K/H.

