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消費者對轉基因食品的意願支付--來自上海的經驗證據(DOC 15)

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消費者, 轉基因食品, 支付, 來自, 上海
消費者對轉基因食品的意願支付--來自上海的經驗證據(DOC 15)內容簡介

摘 要:轉基因食品在全世界引起激勵爭論,了解消費者對於轉基因食品的態度和接受程度,對於製定轉基因食品的管製政策具有十分重要的作用。國外的研究使用了多種的方法估計消費者對轉基因食品的態度,國內的研究還很少見。本論文使用假設評價法,通過對上海市300個家庭問卷調查,發現人們對於轉基因食品的認知程度還比較低,普及農業生物科技知識非常必要。盡管消費者認為自己非常關注食品安全和營養問題,但在實際購買中,他們更多的考慮還是價格和收入。上海消費者對於為轉基因加貼特殊標簽持較強烈的支持態度,對轉基因植物食品的反感程度要小於對轉基因動物食品的反感程度。二元logit回歸表明,消費者更傾向於購買非轉基因食品,隻有當價格平均比非轉基因食品價格低28.55%時,消費者才願意購買轉基因食品。
關鍵詞:轉基因 食品 意願支付

Abstract:Since GM food has aroused a fierce debate world wide, so understanding the degree of customers’ attitudes and acceptance is crucial for regulatory policy-making on GM foods. There are some methods used in the research on estimating customers’ acceptance of GM foods overseas, but similar researches are still very few in China. Based on the survey results of 300 families in Shanghai, in this thesis the method Contingent Valuation Surveys is used, it is found that people’s cognition of GM food is quite limited. Therefore bio-technological knowledge of agricultural should be further popularized in China. Although most of the consumers claim that they concern foods’ safety and nutrition most, but price and income turn to be the most significant two factors in the survey. Consumers in Shanghai support the labeling of GM food strongly, and the antipathy of GM plant foods is less than that of GM animal foods. The result of binary logit regression shows that consumers tends to purchase non-GM food, only when the average price of GM food is 28.55% lower than their traditional equivalence, they will shift to buy GM foods.
Key words: GM; foods; Willingness To Pay

