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醫療行業HKPC的績效考核方案分析(ppt 51頁)

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醫療行業, hkpc, 績效考核方案, 方案分析
醫療行業HKPC的績效考核方案分析(ppt 51頁)內容簡介

一、Why is PM Important to Business Performance?
二、What is PM?
三、The PM Cycle
四、Effective PM System
五、Identification of Individual Performance Measures
六、What is Balanced Scorecard?
七、Barriers in Strategic Management of Organizational Performance
八、How does a Balanced Scorecard Translate Company Strategy into Action?
九、Framework of a Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement System
十、Action Required for Implementation of an Effective PM

Why is Performance Management (工作表現管理製度) Important to Business Performance?
Benefits to Individuals
Better understanding on performance standards
Better development opportunities
Motivated as it is a fairer system to measure employees’ performance
Improved relationship with supervisors
Improved individual performance

Performance Management - Current Trends(當前趨勢)
Performance management as a core process
New approaches:
self-appraisal 自我評核
peer appraisal 同級同事評核
upward appraisal 下屬對上司的評核
360 degree appraisal 360 度評核
Greater employee involvement / participation
From measuring outputs measuring outputs + inputs
Greater line-management ownership
Formal, once-a-year feedback more informal, on-going communication

Designing the Process 設計評估階段
Determine the purposes 確立目標
Develop the procedures 程序應包括 :
No. of forms 表格數目
What to be assessed 評核甚麼
Who should appraise 誰來評該
Appraisal period 評核期
Frequency of meetings 評核麵談的頻率
Linkage with pay 與薪酬的聯係

