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外貿英語函電寫作技巧講義(ppt 23頁)

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外貿英語函電, 寫作技巧
外貿英語函電寫作技巧講義(ppt 23頁)內容簡介
Letters—now fondly known as “snail mail’are still used for various
1. They seem particularly appropriate for formal introductions to companies, confirmation of contracts and thank you messages, possibly because they can seem appropriately formal, caring or impressive (if printed on good paper).
2. They can be a useful back-up to important e-mailed or faxed messages.
3. They can be used to send bulky material, such as brochures or samples.
4. They can be used when there are problems with the technology required for faxes and e-mail.
8. They can be sent to or from companies which have limited technology.
Importer write s to exporter:
1. We have obtained your address from ……
2.We are now writing you for establishing……
3. We are well connected with all ……
4. We feel sure that we can sell large quantity of ……
5. At competitive price,價格,競爭力,優勢
Compete with/against sb in sth 在某方麵與某人競爭
Compete with/against sb. for sth 為^事情與某人競爭
Competition, competitor.
6. Standing 資信情況,信譽等
Standing cost/orders/directors
Credit standing/financial standing/finances
