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科爾尼-公司簡介及谘詢顧問職業生涯發展戰略(ppt 44頁)(英文版)

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公司簡介, 谘詢顧問職業, 顧問職業生涯, 職業生涯發展, 發展戰略
科爾尼-公司簡介及谘詢顧問職業生涯發展戰略(ppt 44頁)(英文版)內容簡介

Some reasons why companies hire consultants
The company does not have the necessary skills internally - Good reason
The company has never confronted this situation before - Good reason
Management needs fresh ideas and a new perspective - Good reason
Management wants the consultant to confirm its ideas - Not-so-good reason
Everyone in the company is too busy - Not-so-good reason
Management needs a “tie breaker” - Not-so-good reason
The nature of business is changing so rapidly that companies
Cannot provide for every eventuality in the organizational structure
Find it difficult to maintain permanent staff functions
Companies need “tailored” solutions to remain competitive in an increasingly global marketplace
The high cost of what management consulting provides can only be justified by companies on an outsourced, as needed basis

