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區域經濟與生態發展和諧度綜合評判方法(doc 21頁)

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區域經濟, 發展, 和諧度, 綜合評判, 方法
區域經濟與生態發展和諧度綜合評判方法(doc 21頁)內容簡介

1. 區域經濟與生態和諧發展的涵義和特征
2. 區域經濟與生態發展和諧度及其評價指標體係
3. 區域經濟與生態發展和諧度的綜合評價方法
4. 區域經濟與生態發展和諧度運行性態的綜合評判方法

A Comprehensive and Evaluative Study of the Degree of Harmony Between Regional Economies and Eco-development
[Abstract] As a long-lasting pursuit theme of present time, the harmonious development between economy and ecology is a large, interactive and mutual influencing system constructed by a series of economic and ecological chains, and links between these chains. It is the organic conformation of four levels of the degree of regional economies, of protection and restoration of regional ecology, of relativeness between regi
onal economies and ecology, and of diffusion of pollution in regions that are the starting point and pathway to construct comprehensive evaluation system of the degree of harmony between regional economies and economy. Furthermore, the degree of harmony between regional economies and ecology is not moving-less but changing all the time.

