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企業存儲集團IT簡報如何建立分級化存儲策略(pdf 10頁)(英文)

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企業, 存儲, 集團, it, 建立分級
企業存儲集團IT簡報如何建立分級化存儲策略(pdf 10頁)(英文)內容簡介

This TechTarget IT Briefing covers the following topics:
? What is Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)? . . . . . . . . . . . 1
? Data Lifecycle Management (DLM). . . . 1
? Decision criteria for DLM. . . . . . . 4
? Selling DLM inside the organization . 5
? Building a DLM Infrastructure. . . . 6
? DLM value proposition . . . . . . . . 6

Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is getting a lot of attention in the press today. More than anything,ILM is a process. Today, and in the past, that process consists of Information Technology staff making conscious or unconscious decisions about what data should reside where in the physical infrastructure and how to optimize for use by the appropriate application at the right time. ILM at present is a concept more than a product. Several products,tools, and services encompass a company’s total ILM strategy. ILM is a process in which people, processes, and technologies deal with data from cradle to grave.Data has different value at inception than it does at death, so it shouldn't be treated the same way during each phase of its lifetime

