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HP公司項目管理資料(英文版)(ppt 59頁)

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公司項目管理, 管理資料, 英文版
HP公司項目管理資料(英文版)(ppt 59頁)內容簡介
Current State
The size and complexity of solution projects have been consistently growing
Different result while delivered by different PM ( even excellent)
Project Managers use methodologies inconsistently
Best practices are not captured, shared, or reused
The Project Manager's role, responsibility and authority are not clearly defined
Client dissatisfaction and low profitability are issues in many projects
Future State
Projects are a major contributor to our profitability
Clients perceive our Project Management as one of HP's competitive advantages
The Project Manager is perceived as a highly desired job within HP with clear authority and responsibility to make projects a success
Using a single global methodology and tools contribute to successful projects
Knowledge capture and reuse greatly increase the effectiveness of our Project Managers
Benefits of FocusPM
Improved HP bottom line by cutting losses on projects
Ensures consistent world-wide approach to client projects (will be used by HPC, ISBU, and OSD)
Developed under leadership of global HPC/ ISBU Steering Committee
Incorporates WW HPC/ ISBU best practices and industry standard Project Management methods and terminology (PMI and Prince2)
Can be used for any type of project (Scaleable)
Provides a full set of forms, tools and templates
Includes a rigorous process for assessing / managing risk

