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管理谘詢經典簡介之一(英文版)(ppt 59頁)

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管理谘詢, 谘詢經典, 英文版
管理谘詢經典簡介之一(英文版)(ppt 59頁)內容簡介
Quality Client Service – Understand and meet client expectations 100 percent of the time.
One Global Firm – Act to enhance the collective values of the global partnership, while sustaining local culture.
Integrity – Act with openness and honesty. Always.
Stewardship – Think future oriented; act and invest to build a stronger firm for tomorrow.
Best People – Are highly competent and make a commitment to excellence, teamwork, and the success of our clients.
Respect for the Individual – Treat each person as we would like to be treated.
Nature and Purpose of Consulting
Definition of ?Consulting“
Brief look into history
Different types of consulting
Consulting market overview
Consultant: Profession description
Consulting strategies
Short overview over the consulting process
Reasons for clients to hire external consultants
Guidelines for the client - consultant relationship
Definition of Consulting
?To give expert advice or provide expert counsel.“ (IKS)
?Consulting provides value by diagnosing, strategizing, designing, constructing, integrating, operating, or implementing solutions. Consulting utilizes relevant knowledge, based on integrity and objectivity, in both expert and advisory roles.“ (Consulting Services Team)
?Consulting is whatever a consultant does." (Cambridge Computer Services)
Different types of management consulting
Advice and counsel about corporate-level or business-unit strategies
Operations Management
Figuring out how to improve the efficiency or productivity of how a business works
Human Resources
Compensation and benefits advice, attracting, motivating, and retaining high quality employees
Information Technology
Design, implement, test and roll-out new IT or install and operate massive packaged software "solutions“.
