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企業營銷和創新創造價值理論概述(doc 70頁)

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企業營銷, 創新, 創造價值, 價值理論, 理論概述
企業營銷和創新創造價值理論概述(doc 70頁)內容簡介

? 從市場的本義看,市場是商品交換的場所。
? 從市場的性質看,市場是一切商品交換活動和交換關係的總和。
? 從新利体育取现 學的角度看,市場是一種商品和勞務的所有現實的和潛在的消費者需求的總和。
For example, if the customer need is “eat breakfast”, then the relevant market could be defined as the “Breakfast Food Market”. Many products would be relevant to measuring and analyzing such a market:
Relevant Links
Chinese consumer goods market to rank second behind U.S. by 2015
China will overtake Japan, Germany, Britain and Italy to become the world's second biggest consumer goods market behind the United States by 2015, according to the findings of a survey by Credit Suisse, one of the world's leading investment banks. The Swiss-based bank estimates that Chinese consumption will account for 14.1 percent of the total consumption among major economies in 2015, while the U.S. consumption will account for 37.7 percent.
(Source:http://i.cn.yahoo.com/mawei13067864248/blog/p_59/) The component of market
The size of a market depends on the number of people who exhibit the need, have resources to engage in exchange, and are willing to exchange these resources for what they want. There are two types of customers that engage in business exchanges. First there are organizational buyers, who purchases goods and services for business, government agencies, and other institutions, such as hospitals and schools. Organizational buyers purchase goods and services to run their own companies or to sell them to other organizations or consumers. Second, there are ultimate consumers, who use the goods and services purchased for a household. Figure 1.1 shows a simple marketing system.

