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TFT-LCD Panel產品及生產流程介紹-英文版(ppt 32頁)

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lcd, 產品, 生產流程, 流程介紹, 英文
TFT-LCD Panel產品及生產流程介紹-英文版(ppt 32頁)內容簡介

TFT-LCD Panel產品及生產流程介紹-英文版內容簡介:
In an AMLCD display, each pixel has a TFT. The gate is attached to a horizontal row electrode and the drain is attached to a vertical column electrode. The source is attached to the LC electrode.
The display is activated one row at a time, by activating the gate lines. The column electrodes carry the data voltages. When a TFT is turned on, the data line charges up the LC capacitor to the appropriate voltage. Then the TFT is turned off, so that the charge is held on the capacitor until the next refresh time. (Typical refresh rates are 60-70 Hz)
The data voltage is isolated from the other rows of the display by the TFT, so that cross talk is very low, even when the number of rows is large.
The overall effect is almost the same as being able to control the voltage at each pixels. Thus, any point on the transmission curve is accessible, leading to good ON/OFF contrast and good gray scale control.

