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Human Resource Strategy-英文版(ppt 101頁)

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human, ce, 英文版
Human Resource Strategy-英文版(ppt 101頁)內容簡介

Human Resource Strategy-英文版 content:
1、Hypotheses on China mobile phone market
2、BCG’s approach to HR strategy
3、Project approach and structure
4、BCG qualification and experience
5、Appendix Selected CVs

Human Resource Strategy-英文版Intorduction:
Historically, the growth challenge has been simpleServe pent-up demand with one basic product“Build the network, activate subscribers, collect the payments”
Increasing competition and new technologies mean dramatic challenges Tremendous emphasis on marketing and sales Intense warfare requiring strategy and tactics
Increasing importance of customer relationship management and service
The need to develop partnerships and create new businesses
Increasing pressure on technical abilities--broader definition of technology Increasing pressure on overall cost position and productivity Need for commercially-driven senior management, working as a team These strains create a need for a fundamental rethink of HR strategy。

