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Foundations of Control 18(ppt 27頁)

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Foundations of Control 18(ppt 27頁)內容簡介

Foundations of Control 18 Intorduction:
What Is Control and Why Is It Important?
Define control.
Contrast the three approaches to designing control systems.
Discuss the reasons why control is important.
The Control Process
Describe the three steps in the control process.
Tell why what is measured is more critical than how it’s measured.
Explain the three courses of action managers can take in controlling.
Controlling Organizational Performance
Define organizational performance.
Describe the most frequently used measures of organizational performance
Tools for Organizational Performance
Contrast feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls.
Explain the types of financial and information controls managers can use.
Describe how balanced scorecards and benchmarking are used in controlling.
Contemporary Issues in Control
Tell how managers may have to adjust controls for cross-cultural differences.
Discuss the types of workplace concerns managers face and how they can address those concerns.
Explain why control is important to customer interactions.
Discuss what corporate governance is and how it’s changing.
The process of monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and of correcting any significant deviations.
The Purpose of Control
To ensure that activities are completed in ways that lead to accomplishment of organizational goals.

