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如何做好時間與自我管理(ppt 40頁)

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時間, 自我管理
如何做好時間與自我管理(ppt 40頁)內容簡介

1. Manage Other’s Expectation
2. A Little Padding Never Hurt Anyone
3. Learn to say No to others and Yes to Yourself
4. Punt when it’s forth and long
5. Build solid time blocks-limit interruptions
6. The phone-Your Friend and Foe
7. Be reachable
8. Help your family help themselves
9. Brushing your teeth isn't fun, it's necessary
10. First thing first: It's matter of Priority
15. Clean up after yourself-Tie loose ends
16. Nobody's system is as good as your own
17. Do your own internal audit
18. You deserve a break
19. Resist Temptation
20. Don't Wait
21. Just do it-Inspiration will follow
22. When someone can do it delegate it
23. Say yes to simplicity
24. Seek support
25. Understand Your Assumptions
26. Do more than one thing at a time
27. Make Useful files
28. Stop 'shouldding"
29. Work backwards, Plan ahead
30. Reward yourself for a job well-done
31 Start your day thirty minutes earlier
32. Expect the unexpected
33. Communicate one-way
34. Some stress is healthy
35. Constantly Innovate
36. Make it work for you

? 時間管理、自我管理與文書檔案管理
– 知識
– 技能
– 態度

? 知識的發揮需要適當的技能與正確的態度
– 蒐集技巧或經驗法則
– 歸納與實踐出自己的自我時間管理方法
I. 時間管理經驗法則之蒐集
– 36 Time Management Tips: Finding Time - Breathing Space for Women Who Do Too Much

– 時間管理的架構
– 實踐自我管理的途徑
– 文書檔案管理

