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家樂福課長培訓教案(ppt 91頁)

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家樂福, 課長培訓, 培訓教案
家樂福課長培訓教案(ppt 91頁)內容簡介

一、TolearnmoreaboutCarrefour’smissionandSalesManagerresponsibilities. 更多地了解家樂福的使命和課長的職責
二、ToLearnhowtobettercommunicatewiththeteam 學習如何更好地與我的團隊溝通.
三、Tolearnhowtobetterdevelopmyteam 學習如何更好地發展團隊
四、Tolearnhowtoplanmyworkandmanagemytime 學習如何計劃我的工作和管理我的時間

All our efforts are directed towards customer satisfaction. Our retailing activities seek to meet changing customer demands, in terms of product selection and quality, at the most competitive prices 我們盡一切努力最大程度地滿足顧客的要求.我們的零售行業通過選擇商品,提供最佳品質及最低價格,以滿足客戶多變的要求.
Highly-motivated associates are our main asset. Individual initiative and delegation of responsibilities are carried out in a spirit of solidarity and common interest. 我們最主要的財產是士氣高昂的員工. 每一個員工應在團結奮鬥及目標一致的基礎上,充分發揮主動性及責任。
Our business is based on simple, straightforward concepts. To remain competitive, we constantly adapt our resources to achieve optimal distribution efficiency. 我們的理念簡單而直接.為了在競爭中取得優勢,我們必須最大限度地使用資源使之發揮作用。
We aim to be an international force with a significant presence in each market. By constantly seeking to gain market share, we will strengthen the Group's independence and raise its value over the long term
我們的目標是成為一個國際性公司,並在每個市場中占有重要比例。通過市場占有率的擴大,我們將不斷加強公司的獨立性及增加公司長期的企業價值。 We aim to develop mutually beneficial synergies with all our business partner. We seek to adapt to the specific environment of each country where we operate and to serve as a benchmark in terms of business values wherever we are present.我們強調協調與合作夥伴之間的關係,增進雙方共同的利益。我們要盡力融合各國特殊 的環境,成為同業間的楷模。

