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全球汽車行業報告與市場展望(英文版)(ppt 77頁)

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全球汽車行業, 汽車行業報告, 市場展望, 英文版
全球汽車行業報告與市場展望(英文版)(ppt 77頁)內容簡介

Automakers are currently faced with slower sales, over capacity and declines in profitability. Big 3 are losing market share to Japanese automakers.
Toyota, Honda and Nissan increased their U.S. sales and market share in the first half of 2003, while the Big Three manufacturers (GM, Ford, DaimlerChrysler) saw their sales decline despite spending heavily on incentives.
Currently the global automotive industry has too much capacity (roughly 30%) and as sales fall, the problem continues.
Car prices have been falling making already thin margins even more pressured. The global automotive industry is faced with more competition, greater price transparency, rising customer expectations and quality improvements, making the pressure even greater on price and profitability.

The Big 3’s incentives (14% of sale prices) are likely unsustainable. Their dependence on increasingly large incentives to offset the lower resale value of US cars reflects perceived problems with their long-term quality and durability. For example, Toyota and GM cars can be virtually identical (sometimes made on the same assembly line as part of a GM-Toyota joint venture), but because GM sells in the used-car market for 15-20% less than Toyota,2GM routinely offers purchase incentives of $1,000 a car, four times more than Toyota’s givebacks.3

Western Europe: France in Decline
For the first five months of 2003, moreover, French sales showed a 9.8% decline – the steepest in Europe. France’s car market has declined steadily for the past 18 months, while the unemployment rate has risen.
In France, every second car is bought with the help of a loan and potential car owners are reluctant to commit themselves to repayments when they are not sure what tomorrow will bring.
Peugeot sales in the first four months of 2003 rose 1.7% worldwide from the same period of 2002, with gains of 120.6% in China and 35.1% in central Europe and Turkey.
Apart from Peugeot, all car makers saw their sales drop in the French market in May and June. Renault plunged 14.7% while the European market leader, Volkswagen, sustained a fall of almost 29%.

