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Dr Christopher Lovelock(ppt 49頁)(英文版)

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chr, hris, 英文版
Dr Christopher Lovelock(ppt 49頁)(英文版)內容簡介

Dr Christopher Lovelock內容提要:
More demand for services from domestic consumers as per capita income rises
Tourism stimulates demand for many services
Increased sophistication in manufacturing may involve emphasis on value-added services
Entry of international service firms into Chinese market transfers expertise
Government economic and social policies often emphasise improved services

Service is the core product of the industry (e.g., insurance, transport, hotels, banking)
Service supplements and adds value to a manufactured good
manufacturer provides service to end users
intermediary provides the service (e.g., retailer)
Service to intermediaries -- help them to do a better job selling products to end users
Service to suppliers -- builds relationships and makes purchaser an attractive customer
Internal services -- within firm to other departments, branches, employees (e.g. legal, accounting, human resources)

Clear statement of market position relative to competitors and target customers
Easy to do business with for customers and suppliers
Focus on building customer loyalty by creating value
Open to innovation and new ways of working
Seek continuous improvements on quality and productivity.

