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Strategy Practitioner Tools(英文版)(ppt 99頁)

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Strategy Practitioner Tools(英文版)(ppt 99頁)內容簡介

Strategy Practitioner Tools(英文版)內容提要:
Define an issue on which a specific action depends and phrase it as a “yes” or no” question
Establish a hypothesis: a statement of likely resolution of the issue including the reasons for answering “yes” or “no”
Develop an analysis statement that outlines the “models” that will be explored in order to prove or disprove the hypothesis
Identify the likely location or means of obtaining data to accomplish the analysis
Develop end products (presentations) to graphically represent the output of the analysis

Competitive Benchmarking Summary
Competitive Benchmarking is used to identify and measure the factors that determine why a process has specific cost, quality or timing attributes and incorporate the best practices into an actionable change plan.It does so in part, by comparing a company’s performance in key areas with respect to its competitors’ performance.
Examples of presenting Competitive Benchmarking findings:

Source List:
David A. Aaker, “Developing Business Strategies”, 5th Edition
Robert M. Grant, “Contemporary Strategy Analysis”, 3rd
Michael Gould, Andrew Campbell, Marcus Alexander,
“Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value in the
Multibusiness Company”
Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampel, “Strategy
Safari: A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of Strategic

