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戰略與企業家綜合概述(英文版)(doc 41頁)

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戰略, 企業家, 綜合, 英文版
戰略與企業家綜合概述(英文版)(doc 41頁)內容簡介

In his book “Invention,” Professor Norbert Wiener (1993), commenting on the relative importance accorded to individuals and institutions in historical narratives of science and inventions, asks us to imagine Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” without either Romeo or the balcony. The story is just not the same. He likens much of the study of the economic history of science and accounts of inventions as “all balcony and no Romeo.”

The field of strategic management can be usefully described as having to do with the “methods” used to create this “value” and the ensuing struggle to capture a significant share of that “value” by individuals and firms. Thus, if we understand entrepreneurship and strategic management as the fields that together seek to describe, explain, predict and prescribe how value is discovered, created, captured, and perhaps destroyed, then there is not only much that we can learn from each other, but together we represent two sides of the same coin: the coin of value creation and capture.

At this point, it is important to note that entrepreneurial opportunities exist at all levels of the economy – individual, corporate, and macroeconomic. For example, the invention of the internet not only led to the identification and creation of entrepreneurial opportunities for individuals and firms, but also opportunities for the US economy as a whole in terms of more effective globalization. Similarly, Adam Smith's exposition of the "invisible hand" guided both economic policy at the government level as well as the decisions of individual economic agents and firms in the creation of "free market" institutions.

