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電子商務之供應商管理(英文版)(ppt 35頁)

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電子商務, 供應商管理, 英文版
電子商務之供應商管理(英文版)(ppt 35頁)內容簡介

1.The Evolution of the Supply Chain
2.Advanced Planning and Scheduling Systems
2.1How They Work
2.2The Vendors
The Supply Chain encompasses a number of key business processes involved in managing the flow of materials, information, and funds from the initial suppliers to the ultimate consumer.
However, in the real world, multiple suppliers, multiple plants, multiple distribution points and multiple customers significantly complicate material and information flows...
… And, given that supply chains cross multiple companies, walls have been built that prevent full and timely information flow.
Breaking down these walls and integrating the supply chain is critical. However, to date, most supply chain initiatives have been inwardly focused. Only recently, manufacturers are beginning to embrace the total supply chain as a means to achieving competitive advantage.
Phase 1 - Process Integration (e.g., reengineering the order-to-cash process).
Phase 2 - Intra-Enterprise Integration (e.g., sales strategies coordinated with supply chain capabilities).
Phase 3 - Inter-Enterprise Integration (e.g., collaborative forecasting & replenishment between retailers and suppliers)

