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某公司員工道德與行為規範手冊(DOCX 85頁)

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公司員工, 行為規範, 規範手冊
某公司員工道德與行為規範手冊(DOCX 85頁)內容簡介
前言 FOREWORD.....3
1......編寫及使用說明 1. Explanation of Compilation and Instructions for Use.....7
1.1.....編製目的 1.1 Purpose of compilation.....7
1.2.....適用範圍 1.2 scope of application.....7
1.3.....編製依據 1.3 basis of Compilation.....7
1.4.....使用說明 1.4 Instructions for use.....8
1.5.....員工手冊生效及更新 1.5 Execution and update of the guidelines.....9
2.....企業文化 2. Corporate Culture.....10
2.1.....核心價值觀 2.1 Core Value.....10
2.2.....企業精神 2.2 Business Ethics.....12
2.3.....企業作風 2.3 Corporate Style.....13
2.4.....企業宗旨 2.4 Corporate Objective.....14
2.5.....企業願景 2.5 Corporate Vision.....15
2.6.....經營理念 2.6 Business Philosophy.....15
2.7.....企業文化 2.7 Corporate Culture.....16
2.8.....企業標識 2.8 Corporate Identity.....1
2.9.....企業戰略 2.9 Corporate Strategy.....2
2.10.....廉潔理念及願景 2.10 Concept and Vision of Integrity.....3
2.11.....文化建設 2.11 Cultural Development.....3
2.12.....全球化經營 2.12 Globalized Operation.....4
3.....員工職業道德及行為規範 3. Employee Ethics and Code of Conduct.....7
3.1.....職業道德守則 3.1 Code of Professional Ethics.....7
3.2.....職業道德理念 3.2 The Idea of Professional Ethics.....8
3.3.....日常行為 3.3 Daily Behaviors.....8
3.4.....工作紀律 3.4 Work Disciplines.....10
3.5.....工作時間 3.5 working hours.....13
3.6.....差旅規定 3.6 business travel.....14
3.7.....保密製度 3.7 Confidentiality.....15
3.8.....財務製度及透明度 3.8 Financial systems and transparency.....17
3.11.....工作流程 3.11 Work Flow.....19
4.....員工管理4 Employee Management.....21
4.1.....18新利真人网 發展規劃 Human resource Development Planning.....21
4.2.....崗位管理 4.2 Position Management.....22
4.3.....員工入職 4.3 Employee Check-in.....23
4.4.....員工離職 4.4 Demission & Resignation.....25
4.5.....調動管理 4.5 Job Transfer Management.....28
4.6.....員工考核 4.6 Employee Evaluation.....28
4.7.....員工培訓 4.7 Employee Training.....30
4.8.....勞動合同 4.8 Labor COntract.....33
4.9.....薪酬製度 4.9 Salary System.....34
4.10.....專業技術職務任職資格評審 4.10 qualification evaluation for professional and technical posts.....35
4.11.....職業技能鑒定 4.11 vocational skills appraisal.....37
4.12.....領導幹部任用 4.12 appointment of leaders.....38
4.13.....福利與休假 4.13 Welfare and holiday.....42
4.14.....員工獎懲 4.14 EMPLOYEE AWARDS AND punishment.....43
5.....社會責任 5 social responsibility.....47
5.1.....安全生產 5.1 Safe Production.....47
5.2.....產品質量 5.2 Product QUality.....55
5.3.....員工權益保護 5.3 employee right and benefit Protection.....56
5.4.....環境保護與資源節約 5.4 Environmental Protection and Resources Saving.....59
5.5.....社會公益 5.5 social benefit.....61
6.....流程圖 6 process Flow Chart.....1
6.1.....招聘計劃流程 6.1 Recruitment Planning Process.....1
6.2.....員工招聘流程 6.2 Employee Recruitment Process.....1
6.3.....員工離職流程 6.3 Employee DEMISSION Process.....1
6.4.....員工退休流程 6.4 Employee Retirement Process.....2
6.5.....員工培訓流程 6.5 Employee Training Process.....3

