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某年同等學力申碩外國語水平考試真題及答案(doc 16頁)

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同等學力申碩, 外國語, 考試真題, 答案
某年同等學力申碩外國語水平考試真題及答案(doc 16頁)內容簡介
Part II Vocabulary (15 minutes, 15 points)
Section A
Directions: In this section there are fifteen sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
16. The temperatures are somewhat lower than the average temperature in May this year.
A. rather B. very C. a little D. less
17. He must not allow this unusual barrier to stop him from fighting against the enemy.
A. interior B. obstacle C. interruption D. interference
18. Next semester, Susan must take three compulsory courses.
A. formal B. voluntary C. practical D. required
19. Should either of these situations occur, wrong control actions might be taken and a potential accident sequence initiated.
A. imported B. installed C. started D. interviewed
20. Now about half of the women who work in social welfare are part-time, as compared to 38% in the private sector.
A. guarantee B. farewell C. well-off D. well-being
21. It is not clear whether the increase in reports is stemmed from greater human activity or is simply the result of more surveys.
A. flows B. comes C. derives D. originates
22. This is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago.
A. avail B. use C. have D. display
23. Recent studies have posed the question as to whether there is a link between film violence and real violence.
A. supposed B. poised C. aroused D. raised
24. Floods have undermined the foundation of the ancient bridge.
A. weakened B. reached C. spoiled D. covered
25. A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.
A. worried B. neglected C. reduced D. mentioned
26. Some psychologists argue that the traditional idea “spare the rod and spoil the child” is not rational.
A. helpful B. kind C. sensible D. effective
