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人才管理:員工的態度與留住人才的方式(中英雙語版)(ppt 35頁)

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人才管理, 員工, 留住人才
人才管理:員工的態度與留住人才的方式(中英雙語版)(ppt 35頁)內容簡介
Talent Management – from Employee Attitude to Retention Approach人才管理:員工的態度與留住人才的方式
Is There Something Really Different About Jobs Now?現在的工作真的有所不同嗎?
It’s The New Deal at Work工作中的新狀況
Is This Really New?真是新事物嗎?
What Caused the Change?改變的原因
Effects on Employee Management對員工管理的影響
How About Demographics?人口統計學的狀況如何?
…What Else? 還有什麼?
If your best employee had an offer to leave at 2x the pay…如果你的最佳員工離去,投奔另一個報酬翻番的工作…
How do you feel about forced rankings?你對強製性等級有何看法?
…Does the Next Generation Really Have Different Attitudes?…新一代真有不同態度嗎?
Characteristics in First Employers*第一位雇主的特征Please rate the importance of each of the following in choosing a first employer 請為下麵這些在挑選第一位雇主時所考慮因素的重要性打分
Characteristics in First Employers第一位雇主的特征Please rate the importance of each of the following in choosing a first employer請為下麵這些在挑選第一位雇主時所考慮因素的重要性打分
Their Attitudes Are Different他們的態度確實不同
Performance Management is Crucial to the Next Generation對新一代來說,績效管理至關重要
Has the Economic Slowdown Changed Their Attitudes?經濟滯緩是否改變了他們的態度?
…not yet… 仍沒有…
Recruiting and Retention….招聘與留用
Recruiting New Workers….招聘新員工…
The Problem: Retention問題:留用
Online Recruiting Changes The Game for Everyone網上招聘改變遊戲規則
When Workers Leave… At least Shape Who and When….當員工離開…至少能控製人和時間…
Fix the Cheapest Things That Drive Turnover First….改變那些普通,但卻是離職要因的東西
Alternatives to Retaining Employees 留住員工的其他選擇
Another Alternative … Getting Better at Recruiting 另一個選擇:改進招聘
Employers Getting Closer to Schools…. 雇主在接近學校
Online Recruiting Meets Marketing 當網上招聘遇到市場推廣
Training and Development….培訓與發展
How Can We Make Training Investments Pay if They Leave?員工離開時,他們的培訓投資如何支付?
Why Is Development So Hard to Do? 為什麼員工發展很難做?
Succession Planning? 繼任者計劃?
Managing a Talent Portfolio管理人才庫
Can You Manage Without Commitment? 沒有承諾你行嗎?
What Issues Will Continue into the Next Generation? 哪些問題會在新一代中繼續?

