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三級涉外秘書英語部分曆年考題(DOC 30頁)

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三級涉外秘書英語部分曆年考題(DOC 30頁)內容簡介

A.Listening Test
Ⅰ. Directions: Listen to the text about the meeting and choose the best answers for the questions. (5 questions, 2 marks for each question, 10 marks)
1. The saying probably take place________.
(A) in the meeting room
(B) at restaurant
(C) in the opening ceremony of company
(D) in the office
2. Who should have presided over the meeting? ________.
(A) The man
(B) Mr. Hampton
(C) Susan
(D) Mr. Smith
3. Why will Susan make notes?________.
(A) Company will keep it
(B) Mr. Hampton well get some information
(C) Everyone will get a copy
(D) The decision well be announced
4. Everyone will be allowed _______to speak.
(A) 15 minutes
(B) at least 15 minutes
(C) 5 minutes
(D) no more than 50 minutes
5. Which following statement is right? _______.
(A) Only Mr. Smith will speak
(B) Someone will speak
(C) Everyone except Mr. Smith will speak
(D) Everyone will speak
Ⅱ. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are True or False. Writ T for True and F for False in the brackets. (5 questions, 2 marks each question. 10 marks altogether)
1. [ ] The prices are given with agreement.
2. [ ] The man thinks the prices are too high.
3. [ ] The woman thinks that the cost of production has been raising in recent years.
4. [ ] The man will decide to order based on prices.
5. [ ] The man hopes that the prices can be reduced by 3 percent.

