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精益製造與供應鏈集成分析(ppt 50頁)(英文版)

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精益製造, 供應鏈集成, 分析, 英文版
精益製造與供應鏈集成分析(ppt 50頁)(英文版)內容簡介

Not all suppliers possess resources and capabilities to undertake major improvements (six sigma, lean manufacturing, continuous improvement)
Not all suppliers have ability to attract & retain high caliber people who understand process control (CpK & 6 Sigma)
Demographics, the aging work force creates “Knowledge Management” challenges
Effective Communication links between sub-tier suppliers and end users become increasingly important
Early involvement in the design & development phases, and teaming “beyond” the shop floor become more crucial
Defense budget will grow at about 4%, with ammunition and aircraft leading the increase
R&D Budgets will remain flat forcing more Prime/Supplier collaboration
Supplier consolidation will continue as a result of mergers
As primes shift to “lean” practices, suppliers will be asked to manufacture more major sub-assemblies and less piece parts
OEMs will continue to out source manufacturing
JIT deliveries in support of POU demand will become more prevalent in order to reduce inventory and carrying costs
OEMs will shift to “assemble, test, and ship” model
Suppliers and customers will team “beyond” the shop floor to design and develop next generation products using the Internet to create Virtual Product Design and Innovation

