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精益生產手冊(PPT 59頁)

473 KB
精益生產, 生產手冊
精益生產手冊(PPT 59頁)內容簡介
Standard Work & Standard Combination Sheet 標準化作業 & 標準作業合並表
3 Types of Standard Works 3種標準作業
How to start the Takt Time Calculation Based On Customer Demand 怎樣根據客戶需求計算節拍時間
How to start the Takt Time Calculation Based On Product and Process Design怎樣根據產品和製程設計計算節拍時間
What is Standard WIP 什麼是標準WIP
What is Standard WIP 什麼是標準WIP Process To Process WIP 製程間WIP
Takt Time  節拍時間
Operations ( continue ) 操作(續頁)
Operations ( continue )操作(續頁)
Operations ( continue )  操作(續頁)
Layout 布局
Layout ( continue ) 布局(續頁)
Layout ( continue ) 布局(續頁)
Zero Defect 零缺陷
Zero Defect ( continue ) 零缺陷(續頁)
Zero Defect ( continue ) 零缺陷(續頁)
Zero Defect ( continue )零缺陷(續頁)
One Piece Flow 單件流
VSM 價值流圖
VSM ( continue )價值流圖(續頁)
Moonshine Shop 月光工作室
Golf Score 動作評估表
Machine 設備
Machine ( continue ) 設備(續頁)
Machine ( continue )設備(續頁)
Total Productivity Maintenance ( Skill Matrix ) 全麵生產維護(技能表)
Material 物料
Material ( continue ) 物料(續頁)
Material ( continue ) 物料(續頁)
Heijunka 均衡生產
Option 連續性
Option ( continue ) 連續性(續頁)
Kanban 看板係統
Kanban ( continue ) 看板係統(續頁)
Supermarket 超市
4 Ways In Looking At Thing 4種看事物的方法
One Point Learning 學習心得
One Point Learning ( continue ) 學習心得(續頁)
