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精益生產培訓教材(PPT 154頁)

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精益生產培訓, 生產培訓教材
精益生產培訓教材(PPT 154頁)內容簡介
What Shall We Talk…? 內容安排
Lean Manufacturing System Briefing 精益生產係統簡介
Lean -“精益”釋義
Whatever You Call It 不管你稱呼它什麼
Lean Manufacturing - Key Characteristics 精益製造 - 關鍵特性
Benchmark:The Average Of Top 10% 標杆:前10%最好工廠平均
Benchmark Results 定標結果
Workplace Organization 現場組織管理
Workplace Organization - 5S 現場組織管理- 5S
Team Building and People Involvement 團隊建設 / 員工參與
Quality Is Not Only The Result 質量:不僅僅是“結果麵”的質量
To The Defects, I Will Say No!No!!No!!! 對待缺陷,三不政策
Standards Is The Foundation 標準是改進的基礎
The Continuous Improvement Tool 改善的工具: SDCA – PDCA
The Way To Low Down Cost 降低成本的手段
Waste of Overproduction 過量生產
Waste of Inspection/Correction/Rework 檢驗/校正 / 返工
Waste of Processing 過程不當
Waste of Inventory 庫存浪費
Inventory Covers All Problem 庫存掩蓋所有問題
Low Down Inventory To Expose Problem 通過降庫存暴露問題
Waste of Waiting 等待
Waste of Motion 多餘動作
Shorten The Lead Time 縮短交付周期
Lead Time and Manufacturing Cycle Time 交付周期和製造周期
Time and Impact 時間與影響
Time in Manufacturing 生產中的時間
Shorten The Lead Time – Flow Chart 從流程圖入手,縮短交付周期
What Is Flow Manufacturing? 什麼是流動生產?
Value Stream Mapping 價值流分析
Operational Availability 運行效率
Improve Productivity Through Increase OEE 通過提高總的設備有效性改善生產率
Some Key Maintenance Data 一些關鍵的維修數據
Continue Improvement - 5 Why? 持續改進 5 Why?
Workstation Regularly Review 對工位定期評審
Flow Cell and “U” Shape Layout 柔性生產單元及U型布局
Line Balance – Data Collecting 生產線平衡:數據收集
How Many Operators Needed? 需要多少操作工?
Pull System and Supply Chain 拉動係統及供應鏈
Pull System - Kanban Types 拉動係統:看板之種類
Pull System - How Kanban Works 拉動係統:看板如何工作
Pull System - Support Flow 拉動係統:支持流動
Pull System - Support Flow 拉動係統:支持流動
Pull System - In Process Kanban 拉動係統:工序看板
Pull System - Replenishment Kanban 拉動係統:補充看板
Pull System - Replenishment KB Calculation 拉動係統:補充看板計算
Pull System Briefing –Single Point Control 拉動係統介紹: 單點節拍控製
Pull System - Replenishment KB System 拉動係統:補充看板工作係統
The Benefits Of Mixed Production 混流生產的好處
Lean Implementation Strategy 精益推行策略
Lean Gap Assessment 精益係統差距評估
Supporting the change wall-to-wall 支持全方位的變化
Lean Manufacturing Training 精益生產體係的培訓
Implementation Measures - Lean Metrics 實施衡量係統 - 精益指標
Lean Journey - The Preparation 精益征程:準備工作
Lean Journey - Hong Long? 精益征程:路有多長?
Lean Implementation-The Path 精益實施之進程
