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某公司精益倉儲管理係統的設計與實現論文(PDF 95頁)

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某公司精益倉儲管理係統的設計與實現論文(PDF 95頁)內容簡介
Chinese abstract?? ?l
The 6rst chapter of introduction.?。???.。?.l
1.1Background research???1
1.2111e pu叩ose aIld significaIlce ofresearch???··l
1.3 Supply chain inventor),mallagement system印plication present situation
1.4The main contents ofmis arrangement??3
The second chapter needs analysis?....4
2.1 System oveⅣiew?4
2.2System target??·4
2.2.1 Overall goal·4
2.2.2Specific goals???··,
2.3JIT management model description?·5
2.3.1JIT supply chain storage maulagemem pattem研nciple???5
2.3.2111e JIT mode management???..6
2.4Function requirement anmysis???9
2.4.1 Stomge business?.1 O
2.4.2The treaSu巧operations???·14
2.4.3LibrarV service in t11e??23
2.4.4Non劬ctional requirements???3
The third chapter system architectuI.e design...??··32
3.1The system design objectives and principles??.32
3.2System architecture design???·32
3.3System脅ction module?”33
The fourth chapter is the detailed design of the system???38
4.1 System key process?..38
4.1.1 System components???..38
4.1.2111e system processes the requeSt process??.38
4.2The detailed design ofthe system39
4.2.1Storage management ofthe detailed design???.39
4.2.2BaSic info肌ation management?..42
4.2.3Material stomge detail design??..44
4.2.4Statistical inquir)r缸lction desigIl???.46
4.2.5From tlle management oftlle detailed desi印??..47
4.3System databaSe design??一49
4.3.1SyStem database訕le stnl咖re?50
4.3.2Data sheet desigIl?55
The fif.th chapter system real娩ation and function test???。6l
5.1 System deVelopment of enViromnent and rurming enViroment.61
5.2System implementation?61
5.2.1System data persistence layer implementation?..62
5.2.2System business logic implementation??65
5.2.3System representation layer implementation???69
5.3111e realization of system劬ctions?.73
5.3.1BaSic info珊atiOn mallagement module?73
5.3.2Storage mallagement module???74
5.3.3And out oftlle management module???.74
5.3.4A smaU ticket management module???75
5.3.5Library maJlagement module???75
5.3.6Statistical que巧module???.76
5.3.7Statement繃lalysis module76
5.3.8Interf-ace management module??77
5.4Test enviroment configuI.ation???.78
5.5System test???78
5.5.1 Data storage test??79
5.5.2 Data 1jrom t11e test??80
The si】【th chapter is the conclusion??81
