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碩士研究生, 考試, 英語試題, 答案


Part I Structure and Vocabulary
Section A

Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked[A],[B],[C]and[D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets wITh a pencil. (5 points)
I have been to the Great Wall tHRee times _______ 1979.
[A]from [B]after [C]for [D]since
The sentence should read, “I have been to the Great Wall tHRee times since 1979.”
Therefore, you should choose [D]
Sample Answer [A][B][C][■]
1.If I were in a movIE, thenITwould be about time that I______ my head in my hands for a cry.
[A]bury [B]am burying [C]burIEd [D]would bury

2.Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the BrITish recapture of the port _______ half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.
[A]to announce [B]announced [C]announcing [D]was announced

3.According to one belIEf, if truth is to be known it will make itself ap parent, so one ______ wait instead of searching forIT.
[A]would rather [B]had to [C]cannot but [D]had best

4.She felt suITably humble just as she _______ when he had first taken a good look at hercity self, hair waved and golden, nails red and pointed.
[A]had [B]had had [C]would have had [D]has had

5.There was no sign that Mr Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite from _______ leadership ofIT, would intervene personally.
[A]being resigned [B]having resigned [C]going to resign[D]resign

6.So involved wITh their computers _______ that leaders at summer computer caps often have to force them to break for sports and games.
[A]became thecildren [B]become the children [C]had the children become [D]do the children become

