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旅客服務英語(doc 14頁)

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旅客服務英語(doc 14頁)內容簡介
PartⅠ:Basic Sentences 常用句型
1. Good morning.早晨好。Welcome to China歡迎來中國。Good-bye. Have a time.再見,祝您旅途愉快
2. Good morning. What can I do for you ?早晨好,能幫您什麽忙?Please wait a moment請稍等。
3. Please come in.請進。Please have a look請看看。Please sit down.請坐。This way please.請走這邊。
4. Thank you for your cooperation感謝您合作。Never mind.不用謝。
5. Would you please back off a little?請向後退一下。Please be in order, one by one.請按順序,一個接一個。
6. After you.請您先走。I am sorry.對不起。I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.讓您久等。
7. Do you understand?您明白了嗎?I see.我懂了。I don’t understand.我不明白。Excuse me .打擾了。
8. We are waiting for the weather to improve.我們正在等待天氣好轉。We’ll keep you informed.我們將隨時通知您。
9. I’ll take good care of your child to the boarding gate.我們將陪伴您的孩子到等機口。
10. Please fill in the UM form.請您填寫這張UM表格。
11. Your reservation is already in the standby list.您的訂位已經在候補名單了裏。What is your nationality?請問您的國籍?
12. Your ticket is not confirmed in the computer.您的機票在電腦裏沒有確認。
13. We haven’t found your baggage yet. We shall continue to look for it and will let you know as soon as we have information about it.您的行李還沒有找到。我們會既續為您查找,一有消息會馬上通知您。
14. There is a suitcase in Paris very similar to yours. We’d like to confirm it with you
15. Your bag has been located(found) and it’ll arrive in Beijing tomorrow行李已經找到。明天會到北京。
16. Your baggage is now in Beijing. Where would you want it delivered?你的行李已經到北京,請問我們給您送到哪裏?
17. You can buy your necessities within 800 Yuan, and you should keep the receipts safe. You will be refunded expenditure by the local airline office.您可購買800以內的生活必需品。保留好發票,回您駐地的航空公司辦事處報銷。
18. We shall transport our baggage by cargo service, and it will arrive at the local cargo terminal. Will you pick up your baggage personally?您的行李我們會通過貨運,給您運到當地的機場貨運處,請問是您本人去取行李嗎?
19. When collecting your baggage at the airport , remember to bring your “Property Irregularity Report.”
20. If you can’t claim your baggage personally , you may ask somebody to collect on your behalf. This person whom you authorized with the letter of authorization and identification may pick up your baggage.

