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加蓋雙子星座對的銷售的分析(ppt 20頁)(英文)

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加蓋雙子星座對的銷售的分析(ppt 20頁)(英文)內容簡介
“We cannot continue to grow as we have in the past by relying on science alone…we are expanding our salesforce by 30% over the next 18 months”.
Last month, GSK conducted its biggest-ever US launch with Advair, a new asthma medicine. The launch involved 2,300 sales reps contacting 70,000 doctors who write 80% of asthma prescriptions in the first week, backed by a massive television advertising campaign.
“Roche Pharmaceuticals (Italy) is deploying Siebel ePharma among its 700 medical reps and support staff. The goal is to develop a single comprehensive understanding of its customer base by enabling these professionals to compile and share customer information.” Siebel.
"Traditional detailing is still important but will need augmenting. Lilly has been running a number of pilot schemes…one for remote e-detailing involves thousands of doctors in the US and Scandinavia.”

