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某年度潤膚品市場調研報告(ppt 61頁)(英文版)

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年度, 市場調研報告, 英文版
某年度潤膚品市場調研報告(ppt 61頁)(英文版)內容簡介
Total Skin Moisturizer experienced faster growth rate in this winter with positive price inflation - 6% in volume and 9% in value
Accelerated growth rate had been captured in all segments, esp. In Facial and Hand, which both experienced higher value growth than volume growth
Body also captured positive volume growth (11%), but its value growth was much lagged behind (7%) in recent winter
Summary - Body
With Body, Lotion still obtained outstanding growth with growth rate of 26% in volume and 17% in value; but cream declined which led to a slower growth rate in total body
The price deflation in Body Lotion mainly traced to basic Body Lotion, where local brands, like Bai Que Ling and Yu Mei Jing, developed fast
Overall, XX did captured positive growth in recent winter period and Milk largely contributed to our growth
But we still slightly lost share in Body market in recent winter due to slower growth than the market, especially in the Basic Body Lotion segment
In Basic Body Lotion segment, we lost share to Bai Que Ling and small brands in Key cities and Yu Mei Jing in A cities; But our distribution expansion led to our share gains in BCD cities, which narrowing our overall share lost

