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羅蘭?貝格公司市場效率調查報告(pdf 18頁)

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公司市場, 市場效率調查, 調查報告
羅蘭?貝格公司市場效率調查報告(pdf 18頁)內容簡介
68% of all interviewed companies say that marketing efficiency is a crucial challenge for mostcompanies, particularly for large companies operating in marketing intensive industries such asconsumer goods
? 71% of all companies also indicate that the efficiency pressure on marketing activities hassignificantly risen in the past three years. The declining efficiency of classic media, theincreased number of marketing tools available, and the macro-economic situation are likely
causes of the increased pressure
? The companies are not satisfied with the efficiency of their marketing activities:
- 3 out of 10 companies see savings potential of more than 10 percent in theirmarketing/communication budget; at the same time, 34 percent of companiesplan on making budget cuts in 2002
- One in seven companies perceive potential to increase sales of more than 5 percentthrough more efficient marketing
? These findings demonstrate that there is considerable pressure to act, since the area ofmarketing and communication is obviously faced with serious efficiency problems in comparisonwith other operative functions
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants have identified four barriers to efficiency in this regard:
- Barrier 1: Lack of transparency
- Barrier 2: No targeted marketing budgeting procedure
- Barrier 3: No use of innovative efficiency levers
- Barrier 4: Lack of success measurement
? Around one third of all companies have no or very little overview of their marketing costs(barrier 1)
? Only around half of the companies interviewed take a systematic approach to developingproper budgets for marketing industries. Although companies in industries with traditionally highmarketing investments such as consumer goods, telecommunications, and IT have a moresystematic approach, only around 70% of companies are systematic (barrier 2)
? Innovative approaches and best practices in efficiency improvement (e.g. bundling volumesand printing times in the case of print products) are only taken by a minority of companies to date(barrier 3)
? In measuring the success of their marketing activities, a large number of the interviewedcompanies tend to be passive: one third of companies do not measure the impact of theirmarketing activities systematically (barrier 4)
