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某年度美國互聯網付費內容市場研究報告(pdf 23頁)

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年度, 美國, 互聯網, 市場研究報告
某年度美國互聯網付費內容市場研究報告(pdf 23頁)內容簡介
changed. Whether or not consumers will pay for content is no longer amatter of debate. Clearly, they will. In fact, by the end of 2002, one in ten online usersin the U.S. were regularly paying for some form of content, and total content sales for theyear reached $1.3 billion dollars. This is the second consecutive year in which paidcontent revenues registered an annual growth rate of nearly 100%.
Growth at this pace cannot be sustained forever, and there are indeed some signs that itis beginning to attenuate. After seven successive upward quarters, Q4 2002 recorded aslight dip in revenues compared to Q3, though total revenues for the quarter were stillnearly 50% higher than the corresponding quarter in 2001. Further, even thoughrevenues for all measured content categories grew substantially in 2002 relative to 2001,
by Q4 of ’02, only three – Greeting Cards, Personals/Dating and Sports – were growing atrates above the annual average. This is in sharp contrast to Q1 2002, when quarterlyrevenues were up more than 150% from the corresponding quarter in 2001, and sixcategories were growing at rates above the average.
So as we move into 2003, the question looming for content providers is this: What typesof content or services will fuel continued growth in consumer spending? While nothing inthis report is prospective, we believe that two developments in the past year are certain
to factor into the ultimate answer to this question.
First is the continued penetration of broadband, which now reaches a preponderance ofusers at work and approximately 16 million U.S. households. One undeniable conclusionto be drawn from our paid content studies is that consumers will pay for content they feel
passionate about if it is packaged and priced appropriately. Broadband paves the way forservices offering video, music and sports, all of which have the potential to fit thesecriteria.
