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Bayer Chair Professor Willem Burgers(英)(ppt 64頁)

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Bayer Chair Professor Willem Burgers(英)(ppt 64頁)內容簡介

Bayer Chair Professor Willem Burgers(英)內容提要:
Escape the Cost Plus Delusion
Cost Based Pricing
product – cost – price – value – customers?
Value Based Pricing
customers – value – price – cost – product?
The role of cost in pricing
relevant costs, incremental costs, avoidable costs, opportunity costs: Our goal is to maximize gross profit

But there are many games
Rule based games (e.g., employment contract) follow the principle that for every action there is a reaction and to play well you must look ahead and reason backward
Freewheeling games (e.g., contract negotiation) follow the principle that you can not take away more from the game than you bring to it and to play well you must maximize this value

Changing the Pricing Game
Conventional Pricing
Struggle among competing functions: marketing, sales, finance.
Reactive to market conditions and customer pressure
Subsequent to product-market decisions
Strategic Pricing
Changes incentives to create support across functions
Pro-active, policy driven
Early in the product development process

