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試論廣告語言的特點(英文版)(doc 30頁)

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廣告語, 英文版
試論廣告語言的特點(英文版)(doc 30頁)內容簡介

I Introduction……………1
1.1 American Renaissance writer and independent intellectual father………1
1.2 Emerson’s perspective on literary influence……………2
1.3 The great literary father of Whitman and Dickinson…3
1.3.1Brief introduction of Whitman and Dickinson…………3
1.3.2Common resource for Whitman and Dickinson…………3
1.3.3 Legacies left for the two……4
II Influences on Walt Whitman ……6
2.1. Personal relationship: adversary or imitator………6
2.2 Whitman’s indebtedness to Emerson……7
2.2.1 In prose: Preface’s indebtedness to The Poet…………8
2.2.2 In poetry: Song of Myself’s indebtedness to The Poet………9
2.2.3 Maladies in paraphrasing Emerson’s aphorism………11
2.3 Whitman’s mystical vision different from Emerson…………12
2.3.1 Different mystical experiences …12
2.3.2 Different literal visions: upward vs. downward………13
2.4 Respective life story leading to different literary visions………14
III Influences on Emily Dickinson……16
3.1 An unexpected female poet……16
3.2 Early literary influence and personal relationship………16
3.3 Dickinson’s embrace to Emerson……17
3.3.1 Kindred spirits on poetry………17
3.3.2 Every word being a poem…18
3.3.3 Poetic businesses to be “circumference”………19
3.3.4 Riddles pervasive in Dickinson’s poem…………20
3.4 Dickinson’s skepticism of Emerson’s philosophy………22
3.4.1 Dickinson’s skeptical of Emerson’s primary analogy ……22 Language vs. nature and words vs. world………22 Nature is not a text……23’s compromising to Dickinson…………24
3.4.2 Different philosophies of Compensation…………25
3.5 Tracing to the source through respective life story…………26

Aims of the Study:
Originated in ancient time, advertising now is playing an important role in modern world, with influence on many aspects in society, such as economy, culture, education, traditional language, etc. It has become indispensable in the modern world and inevitable in people’s lives. As a special language, advertising language not only transmits information, but also maintains a good image of the company and its products. At the same time, advertising language has its own characteristics which distinguish it from others. Because of these characteristics, advertising language in a way will affect the traditional language.
This paper analyzed the characteristics of advertising language in morphology, syntax, and rhetorical level. By doing so, it is hoped that the mass consumers can get a rough cognition of advertising and its functions. Then represent a dialectic relation between the traditional language and modern advertising language, which is beneficial to both the companies and the consumers. Moreover, a greater progress will be seen in advertising field and in the field of language.

