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國外著名酒店工程部操作程序(英文)(doc 24頁)

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國外, 名酒, 酒店工程部, 操作程序, 英文
國外著名酒店工程部操作程序(英文)(doc 24頁)內容簡介

TO assist the Engineering Department in the correct scheduling and delegation of work so that priorities can be established and met, it is necessary that Work Request Tickets be used, and the following procedure applies:
1、To avoid duplication, work is to be requested by the Department Head or his designee only.
2、Be exact regarding nature of request and location – type or print.
3、The white copy is to be retained by the person or department initiating the request.
4、The blue copy will be returned from the Engineering Office to indicate that work has been completed, and is to be matched with the white copy (and disposed of, if you desire).
5、The unmatched white copies represent work still to be completed.
6、Please use telephone for requesting work to be done in emergencies only, and follow up with a work Request Ticket marked ‘Confirmation.’
7、Requests submitted by Department Heads for work other than maintenance (eg new furniture in an office) may need to be cost estimated and submitted to the General Manager for approval.
8、Do not approach members of the Engineering Department to do work unless it is of an emergency nature.
9、The Chief Engineer or his Assistant will schedule the work according to its importance and the best interest of our guests.

