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國別貿易投資環境報告(pdf 185頁)(英文版)

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國別貿易投資, 投資環境報告, 英文版

國別貿易投資環境報告(pdf 185頁)(英文版)內容簡介

Foreword ·········································1
the UnITed Arab Emirates ··················6
the Philippines ·································10
The Republic of Korea ······················16
Malaysia ············································32
Japan ················································38
Saudi Arabia ······································64
Thailand ·············································68
India ···················································73
Indonesia ············································80
VIEt Nam ··············································83
Russian Federation ······························88
European CommunITy ····························98
Canada ················································122
the UnITed States ··································131
Mexico ··················································157
Brazil ·····················································163
Australia ················································170
South Africa ···········································179

With continuous development of China’s foreign trade and overseas investment, an increasing number of Chinese enterprises have got exposed to international competition. In accordance with relevant provisions of the Foreign Trade Law and the Regulations on Administration of Import and Export of Goods, the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as MOFTEC) was commITted to the compiling of the 2002 Foreign Market Access Report (hereinafter referred to as the Report). The Report is complIEd in the course of enabling Chinese entERPrises and relevant organizations to have better knowledge on the trade regimes and practices of China’s trading partners in the fIEld of trade in goods and services as well as foreign investment, to obtain a full-scaled understanding of competITion on global market, and thus to participate in the international competition on an even ground.ITalso aims at expressing the concerns of Chinese entERPrises and relevant organizations over the external environment for trade development.
The competence of MOFTEC has been incorporated into those of the Ministry of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as MOFCOM), which was established in March, 2003. MOFCOM hereby publishes the Report.


國別貿易投資環境報告(pdf 185頁)(英文版)簡介結束