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2005-06財年英國氣象局年度報告(pdf 40)

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英國, 氣象局, 年度報告
2005-06財年英國氣象局年度報告(pdf 40)內容簡介
Directors’ report
03 Introduction
04 Introduction from the Chairman of the Met Office Board
05 Chief Executive’s overview
06 Management structures
08 Highlights of 2005/6
09 Our five-year plan
Management commentary
Our government strategy
11 Cold winter forecast
12 Buncefield Oil Storage Depot fire
12 Hurricane Katrina
13 Climate programme
14 Operational oceanography
14 Customer-supplier agreements
Our public strategy
17 Our Public Weather Service Consultants
17 Met Office online
18 11 cities forecast accuracy measure
18 Observations
19 Numerical Weather Prediction
19 Supercomputer
Our commercial strategy
21 Public service broadcasting
21 Independent broadcasting
22 Marine
22 Road
23 Rail
23 Utilities — energy
24 Aviation
24 Health forecasting
24 New business development
Developing an excellent organisation
26 Our people
27 Diversity
28 Met Office College
28 The Bracknell property
28 Centralising civil forecasting
29 Corporate Social Responsibility
Building international partnerships
31 Voluntary Cooperation Programme
32 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting
32 GMES / European Union
32 Commonwealth
Financial review
33 Financial review
34 Performance against Key Ministerial Targets
35 Key Performance Targets 2006/7
36 Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General
on the Met Office’s Statement of Performance
against 2005/6 Key Performance Targets
Remuneration report
37 Remuneration report
42 Statement on the system of internal control
44 Statement of the responsibilities of the Agency
and the Chief Executive
45 Certificate and Report of the Comptroller and
Auditor General to the Houses of Parliament
46 Profit and loss account
47 Balance sheet
48 Cash flow statement
49 Statement of total recognised gains and losses
50 Notes to the accounts
72 Five-year financial summary
