34個國家長期經濟走勢分析報告(PDF 32頁)
34個國家長期經濟走勢分析報告(PDF 32頁)內容簡介
2 Economics
Table of contents
A. Main results and the analytical framework Page
1. Growth centres 2020: India, Malaysia, China,
as well as Ireland, the USA and Spain.....4
2. Market too optimistic overall ........7
3. Formel-G for “Global growth centres 2020”..........8
B. Theory and methodology
4. Searching for technological progress.......10
5. Broad spectrum of empirical growth models ........11
C. Drivers and trends in detail
6. Drivers of economic growth .........13
7. Forecasting the drivers...18
8. DB Research’s six trend clusters 20
D. Implications for investors and politicians
9. The secrets of success of the growth stars ..........26
E. Limits of the model and outlook
10. Limits of our growth model...........29
11. Outlook and series of publications ...........29
Table of contents
A. Main results and the analytical framework Page
1. Growth centres 2020: India, Malaysia, China,
as well as Ireland, the USA and Spain.....4
2. Market too optimistic overall ........7
3. Formel-G for “Global growth centres 2020”..........8
B. Theory and methodology
4. Searching for technological progress.......10
5. Broad spectrum of empirical growth models ........11
C. Drivers and trends in detail
6. Drivers of economic growth .........13
7. Forecasting the drivers...18
8. DB Research’s six trend clusters 20
D. Implications for investors and politicians
9. The secrets of success of the growth stars ..........26
E. Limits of the model and outlook
10. Limits of our growth model...........29
11. Outlook and series of publications ...........29