如何利用業餘時間進行經濟學研究?(PDF 17頁)
如何利用業餘時間進行經濟學研究?(PDF 17頁)內容簡介
Most of my work in economics involves constructing theoretical models. Over the years, I
have developed some ways of doing this that may be worth describing to those who aspire
to practice this art. In reality the process is much more haphazard than my description
would suggest---the model of research that I describe is an idealization of reality, much
like the economic models that I create. But there is probably enough connection with
reality to make the description useful---which I hope is also true for my economic models.
have developed some ways of doing this that may be worth describing to those who aspire
to practice this art. In reality the process is much more haphazard than my description
would suggest---the model of research that I describe is an idealization of reality, much
like the economic models that I create. But there is probably enough connection with
reality to make the description useful---which I hope is also true for my economic models.