中級宏觀經濟管理學與財務知識分析規範(ppt 30頁)
中級宏觀經濟管理學與財務知識分析規範(ppt 30頁)內容簡介
中級宏觀經濟管理學與財務知識分析規範(ppt 30頁)簡介:
The economy that we consider is a closed economy, i.e. one that does not trade with other economies.
Besides representative consumer and representative firm, there is an additional agent: the government.
The only action of the government is to implement fiscal policy. Fiscal policy refers to the government’s choices over its expenditures, taxes, transfers and borrowing.
Suppose the government wishes to purchase a given quantity of consumption good, G.
Since there is only one period, the government cannot borrow to finance G. Thus G is paid by taxing the representative consumer.
The government must observe the balanced budget constraint,