SAP係統作業指導(PPT 46頁)
SAP係統作業指導(PPT 46頁)內容簡介
Movement type list (包材常用物料異動類)
Storage Location (各單位倉碼)
Packing process flow -- 包材處理流程
Process Flow (處理流程):
Physical Inventory(盤點庫存上載SAP)
某公司 material stock
Goods Receipt (GR) – by Purchase Order
Goods transfer
Goods transfer (倉庫類型之間的轉播:321)
Goods transfer – (倉庫之間的轉播:311)
Goods transfer (倉庫之間的轉播:311)
Goods issue by reservation -- 包材費用性發料
Process Flow (處理流程):
Goods issue to cost center(費用性發料):MB21
Print Goods issue to (打印費用性發料單):ZPM11
Goods issue to cost center(費用性發料):MB1A
某公司 material document (查看移動憑証):MB03
Goods Receive (周轉包材入庫)
Goods Issue (周轉包材領用)
Storage Location (各單位倉碼)
Packing process flow -- 包材處理流程
Process Flow (處理流程):
Physical Inventory(盤點庫存上載SAP)
某公司 material stock
Goods Receipt (GR) – by Purchase Order
Goods transfer
Goods transfer (倉庫類型之間的轉播:321)
Goods transfer – (倉庫之間的轉播:311)
Goods transfer (倉庫之間的轉播:311)
Goods issue by reservation -- 包材費用性發料
Process Flow (處理流程):
Goods issue to cost center(費用性發料):MB21
Print Goods issue to (打印費用性發料單):ZPM11
Goods issue to cost center(費用性發料):MB1A
某公司 material document (查看移動憑証):MB03
Goods Receive (周轉包材入庫)
Goods Issue (周轉包材領用)

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