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Benefits Tracking and Reporting(英文版)(ppt 35頁)

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en, fit, track, eport, 英文
Benefits Tracking and Reporting(英文版)(ppt 35頁)內容簡介
Benefits Tracking and Reporting(英文版)內容提要:
Virtual PMO description
Visibility room tool containing 3 walls –
Communications (program calendar, address book and document storage)
Blueprint (program plan, responsibility matrix, organization structure and technical architecture)
Risk and Issue tracking wall (risk summary and issues summary)
Technology used
Web access to eRooms for documents along with online documents supplied from Microsoft Excel, Project and PowerPoint tools
Key Decision Points
Scope and nature of the cost savings to be tracked – are savings to be recorded on an annualized run rate basis or in actual budget dollars
Criteria used to define the scope and size of the initiatives e.g. how will we include projects that impact international locations/business units - separately or will we have ‘global’ projects? What level is the lowest level of project owners
Amount of customization needed on the standard BTR tool – what company specific policies need to be embedded into the tool? Ie., personnel compensation, accounting policies etc
Frequency of reporting – ie.weekly/monthly reports impacts the data collection cycle and PMO process
Savings tracking against planned targets – which period will be the baseline and how should changes to budgets/forecasts impact project targets etc ?
Timeframe of the tracking tool use– how long is the tool expected to be used ?
Migration of tool to the client’s IT environment – who will be the ongoing tool owner/program coordinator after ATK project is completed ?

