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VOA與BBC英漢對照閱讀自動化學習資料_QGF(DOC 67頁)

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voa, 英漢對照, 自動化學習, 學習資料
VOA與BBC英漢對照閱讀自動化學習資料_QGF(DOC 67頁)內容簡介
For the first time the Sri Lankan government has begun resettling displaced people to areas formerly controlled by the defeated Tamil Tiger rebels. More than 5,500 people left the Vavuniya camp on Thursday for resettlement in former rebel strongholds in Northern Sri Lanka. They are part of a larger group of about 40,000. The government says it aims to complete the process in the next few days. More than a quarter of a million civilians are housed in military-run camps.
The former military ruler of Uruguay, Gregorio Alvarez, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison on human rights charges. He was found guilty of 37 homicides during his time as head of the armed forces in 1970s and then as president between 1981 and 1985. The former general was arrested in 2007 on charges of ordering the death of political prisoners.

