股權轉讓協議(中英文)(doc 9頁)
股權轉讓協議(中英文)(doc 9頁)內容簡介
The above parties hereinafter are referred to as “Parties” collectively and as “Party” individually. Party A hereinafter is referred to as “Transferor”, Party B hereinafter is referred to as “Transferee”.
(1) 甲方於 年 月 日投資設立北京幸運南風餐飲管理有限公司,公司注冊資本為100.01萬元人民幣,已全部繳清。
1. Party A established Beijing Xinyunnanfeng Restaurant Management Co., Ltd on . The registered capital of the company is 100,000,001RMB, which has been fully paid-up. Party A holds 50% of the shares in the company respectively.
(2) 甲方擬出售其現持有 的公司股權;受讓方願意購買轉讓方欲出售的股權。
2. Party A now intends to sell his % company shares; Party B is willing to buy the shares.
NOW, according to the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other related laws and regulations, and in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:
The above parties hereinafter are referred to as “Parties” collectively and as “Party” individually. Party A hereinafter is referred to as “Transferor”, Party B hereinafter is referred to as “Transferee”.
(1) 甲方於 年 月 日投資設立北京幸運南風餐飲管理有限公司,公司注冊資本為100.01萬元人民幣,已全部繳清。
1. Party A established Beijing Xinyunnanfeng Restaurant Management Co., Ltd on . The registered capital of the company is 100,000,001RMB, which has been fully paid-up. Party A holds 50% of the shares in the company respectively.
(2) 甲方擬出售其現持有 的公司股權;受讓方願意購買轉讓方欲出售的股權。
2. Party A now intends to sell his % company shares; Party B is willing to buy the shares.
NOW, according to the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other related laws and regulations, and in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:
上一篇:債權轉讓協議樣本(doc 6頁)