反壟斷法律術語(doc 19頁)
反壟斷法律術語(doc 19頁)內容簡介
Abuse of monopoly power 濫用壟斷支配力
Abuse theory 濫用理論
Abusive conduct 濫用行為
Acquired firm 被收購的企業,被收購方
Acquiring firm 收購企業,收購方
Acquisition of asset 資產的收購
Act of state doctrine 國家行為理論
Actual damage 實際損失
Additional suit 附加訴訟
Administrative adjudication 行政裁決
Administrative process 行政訴訟程序
Adverse competitive effect 反競爭影響,反競爭效果
Affirmative duty 積極的義務
Aftermarket 下遊市場
Aggravating circumstance 從重處罰情節
Aggressive pricing 超高定價
Agreement to divide market 分割市場的協議
Agreement with mixed competitive consequence 帶有混合競爭後果的協議
Allocate market geographically 從地域方麵分割市場
Allocative efficiency 資源配置效率
Amicus brief 為協助法庭而對案情所提出的意見書,法庭之友意見概要
Ancillary restraint/ partial restraint 附屬的/部分的限製
Annual sale 年銷售額
Anti-competitive effect 反競爭效果
Abuse of monopoly power 濫用壟斷支配力
Abuse theory 濫用理論
Abusive conduct 濫用行為
Acquired firm 被收購的企業,被收購方
Acquiring firm 收購企業,收購方
Acquisition of asset 資產的收購
Act of state doctrine 國家行為理論
Actual damage 實際損失
Additional suit 附加訴訟
Administrative adjudication 行政裁決
Administrative process 行政訴訟程序
Adverse competitive effect 反競爭影響,反競爭效果
Affirmative duty 積極的義務
Aftermarket 下遊市場
Aggravating circumstance 從重處罰情節
Aggressive pricing 超高定價
Agreement to divide market 分割市場的協議
Agreement with mixed competitive consequence 帶有混合競爭後果的協議
Allocate market geographically 從地域方麵分割市場
Allocative efficiency 資源配置效率
Amicus brief 為協助法庭而對案情所提出的意見書,法庭之友意見概要
Ancillary restraint/ partial restraint 附屬的/部分的限製
Annual sale 年銷售額
Anti-competitive effect 反競爭效果